Rico Provides the All Power Full Ajax Table

Hello All,

I’m really impressed the way RICO has revolutionized the way we render table. Tables means Header + Data + Footer. But rico has changed the idea we define a table. It made it Header + Footer + Dynamic JavaScript or a DataSource. It also added a very nice functionality of progressive downloading. I.e Data can be downloaded while scrolling. It mixes the powerful feature of Ajax with object oriented javascript to provide this solution

Here is the example


Rico.onLoad( function() {
var buffer = new Rico.Buffer.AjaxXML('test.xml');
var opts = {
useUnformattedColWidth: false,
defaultWidth : 90,
visibleRows : 'data',
frozenColumns: 1,
canPrint: false,
highltOnMouseOver: true,
rowHighlightColor: '#c4c4c5',
specFilterSort: {type:'raw', canSort:true, canFilter:true, quotes:"'"},
specFilter: {type:'raw', canSort:false, canFilter:true, quotes:"'"},
specSort: {type:'raw', canSort:true, canFilter:false, quotes:"'"},
columnSpecs : ['specSort','specFilterSort','specSort','specSort','specFilterSort']
var grid = new Rico.LiveGrid('data_grid', buffer, opts);
grid.menu=new Rico.GridMenu();


Now Sample Data can be some thing like this

5 Star Wars Action 9.0 135001 1977 6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Action 9.0 115175 2002 7 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Action 9.0 104167 1980 5 Star Wars Action 9.0 135001 1977 6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Action 9.0 115175 2002 7 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Action 9.0 104167 1980

Rico Has Lots of Functionalitites which add dynamic Sorting Searching features to you your grid without you explicitly handling those features in UI. Only thing we have toi write is code to render data and filter data. Rico takes care of rest

Enjoy RICO at http://openrico.org/
It has got a live grid which is of a lot of help in many projects.